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Sound Bites:


This was written before COVID 19. It is still useful as    doing what we can to keep our sinus healthy is important to fight off viruses.  


It is that time of year again. It seems like everywhere you go someone is coughing, sneezing, and has a stuffy or runny nose. For years I suffered with sinus infections. I was back and forth to the ENT multiple times, but nothing seemed to work. I felt like I had a rubber band wrapped tightly around my head. Even my eyes hurts. Then I read a book that changed my life. That book was Jonathan Goldman's "The Humming Effect." Who knew that something so simple as humming could keep your sinuses happy? I hummed in the car, while at work, while shopping, everywhere. I hummed so much I didn't even know I was doing it. And guess what? No more sinus infections, and I haven't had one for over three years. You see there are a lot of great things going on inside of you when you hum including: increased oxygen in cells, lowered blood pressure and heart rate, and increased nitric oxide levels in the nasal cavity, which opens up the sinuses. It also can enhance our immune system, increases melatonin levels, which supports our immune system, has anti-inflammatory effects and more. So why not try humming. It will make your sinuses happy, and a whole lot more. 















Why do bees buzz?  The rapid wing beats create wind vibrations that people hear as buzzes. The larger the bee, the slower the wing beat and the lower the pitch of the resulting buzz. Bumblebees are capable of vibrating their wing muscles and thorax while visiting flowers. These vibrations shake the pollen off the flower's anthers and onto the bees body. Some of that pollen gets deposited on the next flower the bee visits, resulting in pollination. 

- Scientific American 




Book Recommendations:

The Humming Effect - Johnathan Goldman

Energy Medicine - Donna Eden

The Hidden Messages in Water -Masaru Emoto






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